Water Conservation

Water Conservation

Water is the new gold. Across the country bodies of water are drying up and this is why sources of drinkable water are becoming more and more important. Nonpoint water pollution is when contaminants are carried to bodies of water by rain. The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality states that nonpoint source pollution is the largest type of water pollution.

EPA Clean Water

Nonpoint source pollution categories:

  • Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Urban Runoff
  • Home Sewerage Systems
  • Sand and Gravel Mining
  • Construction
  • Hydromodification

Storm Water Pollution is Everybody's Problem

Storm water pollution results from the deposit of harmful materials (oil, grease, animal waste, pesticides, etc...) blown, poured, dumped, or washed into the city's storm drains. Storm drains carry rain water away from streets to Cross Lake and the Red River. And this is where the city's drinking water comes from. Storm drains do not drain to sewers.

Urban runoff is a major problem for storm drain pollution. Citizens can help to reduce storm drain pollution by doing the following:

  • After cutting lawn, don't blow yard clippings into the street, bag it!
  • Don't pour oil or other chemicals down the drain
  • If you fish or operate a boat at Cross Lake, don't throw trash in the water
  • Teach your children: don't throw trash in storm drains
  • Pick up your pets poop and bag it so it doesn't go down the drains
  • Save water - it's too precious to waste! Water your lawn in the early morning or late evening to avoid water evaporation

If you see someone dumping or depositing trash, chemicals or any waste into storm drains, report it:

Wes Wyche
City of Shreveport Environmental Affairs
P: 673-6072
Doris Woods
City of Shreveport Storm Water Division
P: 673-6583
Hugh Santos
City of Shreveport Storm Water Division
P: 673-6589
Water Garden

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